Reiki Healing & Teaching
Margaret is one of the UK's most certified prolific therapists and teachers, and is a sought after tutor.
As well as providing Reiki healing to clients (click here for prices), Margaret has also been teaching Usui Reiki (as well as Karuna™) since the 1980's, and has a wealth of experience, accumulated by her own training with different master teachers, and her own research. ​
Sometimes Margaret teaches Usui Reiki at public venues when she has high numbers of students, but usually with smaller groups, she teaches within her beautiful home clinic based in Ripon. Her Usui courses include the full Usui training (up to master teacher level) plus priceless information gathered over the years. There are many Reiki testimonials on this site for you to see. Reiki courses in Ripon and Harrogate are held throughout the year.
As with all of the Usui and Karuna™ Reiki degree's, Margaret gives you personal in depth tuition. The Usui Reiki master teaching degree, being one full week of one to one training (in Ripon) which will cover the process of personal attunements for your students.
Additionally, once you have completed and fully understood how to teach, and attune your students to the various degrees, you will then be taught :
How to set up circles
Understanding the mechanics and psychology of the Reiki healing process
Setting up your own business
Elementary life coaching skills
NLP techniques
How to write meditations
Post graduate mentoring for your own students (registered certified worldwide)
And much more
I am delighted to announce that I have now attuned my 2500th student in to the most wonderful healing modality, Usui Reiki.​
To celebrate this wonderful occasion, I am offering (to all of my students past and present) the ability to resit any of their degree's at a 50% discount per degree.
Please call me on 07769 721 835 if you wish to take this offer.
Local accommodation can also be arranged for my international students.